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A Surgical Life
A Surgical Life

A Surgical Life$33.00 AUD

by John Frawley AMA: A Surgical Life - dreaming things that never were

A powerfully written, autobiographical sequel to his successful first book about his formative years, Some Horses have Purple Legs, A Surgical Life tells of the professional career of a pioneering Australian kidney transplant surgeon, John Frawley AM ... and of miracles. His writing has the reader beside him in the operating theatre.

The amazing privilege given to surgeons, to be trusted to run an enormous risk with some other human being’s life, something almost inconceivable, was very humbling. It brought with it great excitement and a curious sense of noble recklessness, admissible only because the alternative for the patient was death. It was not wise, however, to celebrate success too loudly. Tomorrow it could be different.
The Brisbane launch by Dr John Herron was at Club Central, William St, on Friday 15 July 2011, and the Sydney launch by Prof. John Charlesworth was at the Royal Automobile Club, Macquarie St, Thursday 20 October 2011.

210 pages, 153 mm x 235 mm, hard cover, section sewn. 
ISBN 978-1876344788
